Tuesday, February 5, 2008


As an amateur zombiologist, I often wonder what I would do when placed in the scenario of a zombie outbreak. I've contemplated the best ways to destroy a staircase and the best methods for taking out various undead without exerting too much energy or wasting ammunition. On colder days, before going out, I make sure I have enough layers to protect me from the cold and from the frigid walking death a bite from a zombie would bring. Although never a boyscout, my motto is definitely "Be prepared."(For some fucking zombies)

To support my research, there were two texts that I held above all others: The Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z both of which were written by Max Brooks. These expanded my mind with such radical ideas like going to a prison instead of a suburban mall or using a sword instead of wasting ammo in close combat. However, not once did I stop to consider the zombie. The zombie was simply an obstacle to me and my loved ones' continued existence. Until now. 

Scott Kenemore has written a groundbreaking book called The Zen of Zombie: Better Living Through the Undead. Mr. Kenemore takes a radical approach of presenting the zombie as a role model. He believes that we will all lead better lives if we are as unrelenting and ruthless at work and in our personal lives as the zombie is in pursuit of some fresh brains. By adapting the single-minded nature of the zombie, Kenemore believes all of our goals can easily be accomplished. This is all well and good, but Mr. Kenemore doesn't go far enough.

If we are able to think and act like the zombies, then they should be easily defeated. However, Mr. Kenemore thinks that bettering one's own life is enough. He focuses on trivial issues like dating and promotions. Why not make your goal to remove the stink of rotting flesh from the globe? I guess the survival of mankind against the zombie plagues isn't that important. Were he to take his ideas and put them towards the more constructive task of ridding the world of the undead, Mr. Kenemore would be a celebrated scholar and prize winner like Mr. Brooks. As it is, he's written an entertaining and funny book, but not one that should be considered an accurate text of zombiology. The employees at the book store should really do a better job of categorizing things. 


Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Greetings from the Zombie Capital of the World, Pittsburgh! If you love zombies and hate world hungers please check out www.myspace.com/worldzombieday. Maybe give it a little love on your blog. Bye for now!

Giacomo said...

i like the idea that the only way to effectively rid ourselves of the zombie scourge, is to essentially become them...either figuratively, in which our single minded purpose would be to destroy them, or literally, where we would all eventually be turned into one of the many.

man, i love zombies.