Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday Night Raw: 800th Episode

I have been a wrestling fan most of my life. But midway through college I stopped giving a shit. My experiment, beginning tonight is to see if they can make me give a damn about their programming again. Tonight is Raw's 800th episode, and none of the shows I normally watch on Mondays are on, so I'm giving them another shot. Will they capture my attention again? Let's see.

8:17 - Just started watching. They seem to be showing "best of" stuff at the moment. Right now its "The Kid" vs Razor Ramon. Sean Waltman, X-Pac, 1-2-3 Kid has always kinda looked douchey. 

8:18 - Now its an 8 man battle royale for an intercontinental shot. And the current Italian with a unibrow and a mullet is walking out. I have no idea who anyone is onscreen. The unibrow guy's unibrow is painfully fake. His name is Santino apparently. 

8:20 - Oh wait, there's William Regal. He's no fun unless he's on the mic, though. And Ted Dibiase's son is in this match too. He needs a beard. And a manservant to count his money. I think Diabiase might win...but it will be a hollow victory without a beard, a manservant, and a suit with dollar signs on it. 

8:22 - William Regal wins it. He's got spooky bad guy music now. I miss his stuffy English music. When he was the "WWE Ambassador" character, waving like the Queen. Ooh. They're doing the old "someone's pulling up in a limo gag." It's Stephanie McMahon! OOOO! And Shane McMahon...ooooh!

8: 24 - Commercial Break. Based on the Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe commercial I just saw, I will not be buying that game. "We have come to challenge you to Mortal Kombat!" Lame. 

8: 28 - New Raw theme sucks. Another flashback. Vince buying WCW. Now Randy Orton's in the ring. Almost forgot he existed. Shane McMahon making a big entrance...I still like his entrance music. Everything is better with entrance music. Vince McMahon should handle elections in this country. 

8: 35 - Pretty bored. Bored bored bored. Checking email, checking various websites. 

8:41 - Obama saying "Do you smell what Barack is cookin?" with no conviction or energy at all. I wish he had The Rock working with him on interviews. Now they have a new Russian bad guy. What the fuck? Bret Hart music??? Ok...apparently Charlie Haas is Bret "The Hitman" Haas. He's doing the stolen gimmick bit that Big Show and others have done before. Lame. 

8:47 - USA's commercial for Inside Man just made it seem like a wacky comedy. Intriguing. 

8:50 - Jim Ross isn't announcing on Raw. Not right. Ugh. Now they've got Bautista. He sucks. WWE is a bunch of sucky sucks now. I don't know if I can make another 2 hours and 10 minutes. 

8:56 - DX is coming out. Don't really know if an anti-establishment angle works when you're the owner's son-in-law. Or when the other member is a born-again Christian. Triple H seems bored. "You can mock my kids, you can punch my wife in the face, but nobody mocks my chaps" - Shawn Michaels. You cannot mock chaps...especially when assless. They have made me chuckle, but this segment has gone on for 10 minutes now. 

9:14 - Experiment over. Not paying attention anymore. I'm bored, I do not give a shit. Sorry RAW, I'll give you a try again in a few years.


Giacomo said...

Older, wiser, and less drunk...I miss college. Liking wrestling was both pure and ironic at the same time.

Paul DeKams said...

Yeah, I need some of those WWE Legends DVDs so I can relieve the good times.