Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Is American Fatalism the New Disguise of Christian Determinism?

In Editorial Board (a meeting where new books are proposed) the Fourth Amendment was brought up and with it fatalism.

Fatalism in the sense that we surrender to the inescapability of fate (or other foreign bodies).

Americans are fatalists.

Not just in relation to the Fourth Amendment but with healthcare, college aid, maternity leave, work vacation time, etc. My sister, who lives in Ireland, just took a four week paid vacation! I get ten days (unpaid)! Hell, you’d have to work for my company for over twenty five years to get that… twenty five days is all you get for a quarter of a century of work and dedication. Bleak and daunting, miserable but true.

This won’t change because Americans just don’t care enough to make one. Oh, we’ll bitch and moan about it, but don’t expect us to rally together and fight the good fight.

I can’t tell you how many times when I was going to school in Ireland people told me I was nuts for paying thirty thousand dollars a year for an education. The reply was always the same “if university cost that much here, no one would go”.

Where’s the rebellion?

Where are the millions of American college students protesting, not against paying for college but for the twenty years or so of debt that will follow? And believe me, it will.

Why aren’t we saying “NO!” to a society that’s raising the degree limit for jobs? A college degree has lost its value and now replaces a high school diploma. For many jobs you need graduate school, a two year long program that costs just as much as a four year college one, without two thirds of the aid.

Why aren’t we livid and indignant about financial aid?

Tell me, where’s the uproar, the protests about privacy, sending troops over seas?

Will we be this passive if they reinstate the draft?

Elrond help us, what happened to our balls?

How come we’re okay with people getting in trouble for music and movie piracy when the programs are on download sites?

If the internet is being monitored so closely, why aren’t they suing these sites for having the programs available? This isn’t the Bible, this isn’t God saying we have free will and should make the right choice. If downloading music for free is illegal then so should the programs that provide the service.

We’re fatalists because instead of saying “what the fuck?”, we swim passively along without caring. Is loss of choice inevitable? Is the communal good of a democratic country no longer the citizens concern?

We’re fatalists because we allow choices we should be making to be made for us and we don’t even care that it’s being done.

To me, it sounds an awful lot like theological determinism is creeping about in a sheep costume: an evil, horrific philosophy that all of our choices are predetermined by an external force or causation of an event (God/Big Bang maybe?).

Is a passive-aggressive nation one of the many rippling effects of a country founded on fundamental Christian principles? I have no idea. Is it the age old saying “leave it in God’s hands” simply morphed into leave it in Bush’s/the Government’s hands? Shit.

If the long term effects of Puritanical ideals are of this caliber then I say we’re all fucked.

I’m moving to Europe.


Paul DeKams said...

I like to believe all the bad shit in my life is caused by the Norse trickster god, Loki. Then when shit goes wrong, I just curse his name and ask that Thor rain down vengeance upon him.

But, yeah, I agree with you.

Giacomo said...

I don't want it to get heavy (as it is no longer 1985), but I disagree with your point about the DL programs. It's illegal to shoot someone, so outlaw the guns? Illegal to stab, so outlaw the knives? There are plenty of uses for those programs, outside of illegal activity. Just don't ask me what those uses are.