Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lending a Helping Hand

I just donated money to the Obama campain. It's my first time donating to a political cause, but frankly, I'm scared. I've never donated to a campaign before--and I didn't donate much--but I'm too afraid to lose in November. I keep reading all of these articals about how Obama is sexist, and Biden is taking shots at Palin, and all this BS and I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! People believe this crap. They really do. Women will vote for McCain because he picked a woman VP. I don't buy it, but since I know so many do, I decided that I need to do SOMETHING to help. So I did. I don't know if it will help in the end.

I hate double standards. It's more than apparent that Obama can't talk without it being thrown back in his face, regardless of the issue. When Biden said that people with disabled children should support stem-cell research, the GOP blew up and said he was attacking Palin. Well guess what: Parents of disabled children SHOULD support stem cell research. If it happens that Palin doesn't, well then she's not the advocate she said she'd be for disabled children! How come McCain can use the "lipstick on a pig" comparison while Hillary is still in the race, but now that Palin's in it, Obama can't?

The sad thing is that all these crap responses from the GOP are changing people's minds. Well not mine. And I hope not yours. I found a way I can try to help. Maybe you can help too....

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